You are invited to submit proposals for sessions that contribute to the value and impact of the educational sessions for over 1,400 cross-disciplinary CRE professionals worldwide during the highly anticipated 2025 CREW Network Convention in Austin, Texas on Oct. 8 - 10.
CREW Network is seeking proposals for specific presentations sessions that will be offered as part of the educational program during the 2025 convention.
While much of the program for the 2025 convention is currently confirmed and/or in development, the Educational Advisory Group (EAG) has identified several focus areas where additional sessions may be added to the program. Specifically, proposals for presentations on the following themes and topic areas are being sought to add to the convention program:
Areas of focus for proposals in this category might include; trends in AI usage and advancements in all aspects of CRE (for example, AI impact and use for improving building efficiency, building development, property management or other), 3-D printing innovations in construction, system automation, tech for improving energy/water/solar efficiency in the built environment, etc.
Areas of focus for proposals in this category might include; global energy benchmarking, sustainable CRE/green financing, building performance standards, city action plans, green retrofitting, trends integrating sustainability into lab/life science spaces and other alternative asset classes, trends in significance of sustainability in office space selection by occupiers, efforts to meet current and future demands for power and infrastructure, etc.
Areas of focus for proposals in this category might include; insurance availability impact on development, climate risk mitigation implications on insurance, leases, loan covenants and/or underwriting, climate resiliency factors, etc.
Areas of focus for proposals in this category might include; amenity demand, ROI and planning for new demands across asset classes, current and emerging challenges for owner occupied building clients, advantages/disadvantages in lease portfolio models, etc.